FAS supplies a wide range of accessories for LPG tanks and vessels, including:

- Internal valves with flow restrictors
- REGO series 6239 and 6240 hydraulic check valves
- A3217 series pneumatic internal valves
- Multivalve valves REGO A8017 DP, A8018 DP, 8593
- Liquid return valves REGO 7550P , A7550P.
- REGO A2805C Max Level Valves
FILLING REGO VALVES for LG; PN 25, brass housing, with double check valve, with cap, for LPG tanks
RegO Internal Valves
RegO internal valves are easily installed and designed to enable smooth operation and higher pumping rates without cavitation or loss of efficiency to save you time and money. They require maintenance less often than other internal valves, and the maintenance is fast and easy. We pay attention to the details, such as superior corrosion prevention and securing fasteners so they don’t come loose and cause damage.
RegO valves are available in manual, pneumatic, electric, and rotary options.
3200 Series

RegO Flomatic®

Automatically closes should downstream line rupture causing loss of pump differential pressure required to keep the valve open.
RegO Relief Valves
RegO relief valves provide superior protection matched with a long service life. Specifically designed for large stationary pressurized containers our manifold designs provide for an extra relief valve, not included in the flow rating, to enable service or replacement without evacuating the container.

RegO MultiPort® Valves
A8560 Series
A8570 Series
RegO MultiPort relief valve manifolds are used as the primary relief device on LPG bulk storage tanks with flanged openings. The handwheel selectively closes the entrance port to enable service or repair without tank evacuation. RegO “pop-action” design ensures maximum protection, with minimum product loss when replacing a relief valve.

RegO DeltaPortTM Valves
8530 Series
AA8350 Series
RegO DeltaPort relief valve manifolds are designed to be the primary relief device on LPG bulk storage tanks. The handwheel selectively closes the entrance port to enable service or repair without tank evacuation.

Internal Relief Valves
7534 Series
6542 Series
These low profile, internal relief valves are constructed of non-corrosive materials and the RegO “pop-action” design ensures maximum protection, with minimum product loss on relief.
RegO Globe Valves
RegO A7500 Series globe valves are constructed with high-quality materials and come in a range of sizes for use in LPG bulk storage applications. Purposefully designed to ensure greater flow with less pressure drop, positive shut-off, and long maintenance-free service; our globe valves provide safety and peace of mind for years. RegO globe valves include these standard features:
- “V”-ring spring-loaded pressure stem seal provides for leak-proof operation, with no packing to re-tight- en or replace, while virtually eliminating hard-to-turn handles.
- Swivel seat disc assembly stops rotating as soon as it touches the body seat to deliver good seat alignment and long life.
- 1⁄4” F. NPT plugged boss on the downstream side of the valve body allows attachment of a hydrostatic relief valve or vent valve.

A7500 Series
This is just a sample of our A7500 Series globe valves. See the complete family and specs. DATA SHEET
RegO Safety Systems
At RegO, system and operational safety are paramount. We provide a complete line of products built with RegO ingenuity and quality to deliver years of safe operation.

Back Pressure Check Valves
A3186 Series
RegO Back Pressure Check Valves are designed to allow flow in one direction only. When the flow stops or reverses, the check closes. Built to provide generous flow channels for low pressure drop, the heavy-duty construction and synthetic rubber seat discs deliver positive seals for years.

Pull-away Coupling
A2141 Series
Designed to stop gas escape upstream and downstream in the event of a pull-away. A true pull away, this coupling snaps together without any repair or additional parts. Buna-N seals for a leak tight seal.

Heavy Duty Swing Check with Flow Indicator
Available in 2” and 3” connections, this back check valve provides back flow protection for the unloading riser. Easy-to-read indicator, heavy-duty spring-loaded swing check design, delivers high flow rates with low pressure drop.

Swing Check Emergency Safety Valves (ESV)
6010 Series
6016 Series
6024 Series
Designed for LPG transfer lines to provide quick shut off of liquid or vapor in the event of an accidental pull-away, line break, or hose rupture. Fusible thermal element auto-shuts valve when exposed to fire. Available with flanged or threaded connections, Viton and Buna-N seat seal options, and a choice of manual, pneumatic, rotary, or electric activation.
RegO Bulk Tank Accessories
RegO supplies the accessories you need and you can count on them to be built with the same quality and engineering that goes into our valve products.

ACME Low Emission Hose End Valve
Vents less than 2 cc of liquid when disconnected (when connected to RegO low emission ACME filler valves 6588LE, 6589LE.). This valve provides a full-on flow when pressing the release trigger. Compatible with any standard 31⁄4” male ACME connector. California CARB Compliant.

Sight Flow
Indicators A7790 Series
Designed to promote maximum pump and compressor efficiency, these indicators enable visual inspection of liquid flow. The integral swing check also serves as a back-check valve to prevent reverse flow and product loss if the hose fails in a loading operation. Durable ductile iron body ensures long, trouble-free operation with design working pressure of 400 PSIG.

Rotogage® Assemblies
A9090 Series
Designed to provide an accurate determination of LPG container contents, they mount in a standard 1” NPT coupling. Resistance-free nylon bearing inserts reduce friction and promote operating ease, and the dial face is dual calibrated to provide greater accuracy in reading contents in containers which are not level.

External Hydrostatic Relief Valves
3125 Series
3127 Series
3129 Series
SS8000 Series
Designed especially for the protection of piping and shut-off valves where there is a possibility of trapping liquid LP-Gas or anhydrous ammonia. Available in both brass and stainless steel.

ACME Female Connector
3170 Series
3180 Series
3195 Series
Designed especially for liquid and vapor transfer of LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia. Available in a variety of M. NPT and F. ACME connections.
Modèle REGO | FAS | entrée | sortie | poids (kg |
REGO 7579C | 13 002 | ACME 1-3/4″ | 1-1/4″ NPT | 0,6 |
REGO 6579С | 13 003 | ACME 1-3/4″ | 1-1/4″ NPT | 0,6 |

Modèle REGO | FAS | entrée | sortie | poids (kg |
REGO 6587CE | 13 004 | ACME 2-1/4″ | 2″NPT | 2.3 |
REGO 3197 | 13 005 | ACME 3-1/4″ | 3″NPT | 6.5 |

VANNES DE REMPLISSAGE REGO pour GPL ; PN 25, boîtier en laiton, avec clapet anti-retour, avec bouchon en laiton, pour réservoirs GPL
Modèle REGO REGO | FAS | entrée | sortie | poids (kg |
REGO 6584C | 13 008 | ACME 2-1/4″ | 2″NPT | 1.4 |
REGO 3194С | 13 009 | ACME 3-1/4″ | 3″NPT | 4.3 |

Vanne d’égalisation de vapeur REGO pour GPL ; PN 25, boîtier en laiton, avec soupapes de surpression, avec, pour stockage de GPL
Modèle REGO | FAS | entrée | sortie | poids (kg |
REGO 3183AC | 13 012 | ACME 1-3/4″ | 1-1/4″ NPT | 0,9 |
REGO 7573D | 13 077 | ACME 1-1/4″ | 3/4″ NPT | 0,2 |

VANNES À ACTION RAPIDE REGO pour GPL et AMMONIAC ; PN 25, boîtier en acier, avec verrouillage de position de fermeture, avec soupape de purge
Modèle REGO | FAS | entrée | Sortie | poids (kg |
REGO A7708L | 13 021 | 1″NPT | 1″NPT | 1.6 |
REGO 7707L | 13 022 | 1″NPT | 1″NPT | 1.7 |

VANNES À ACTION RAPIDE REGO ; pour GPL et AMMONIAC, PN 25, boîtier en acier, avec dispositif de remplissage de sécurité, avec verrouillage de position fermée, avec soupape de purge
Modèle REGO | FAS | entrée | sortie | poids (kg |
REGO A7793 A | 13 035 1er | 3/4″NPT | 1-3/4″ NPT | 2.9 |
REGO A7797 A | 13 035 | 1″NPT | 1-3/4″ NPT | 2.8 |

- Purgeur de gaz
- Robinets de soutirage
- Robinets de dépotage camion GPL
- Robinets et repmlissage ACME
- Vannerie GPL
- Robinets fond de cuve
- LPG filling head ( Pince d’emplissage)
Robinet de Jumelage pour cigare et sphére GPL
- Vannes à passage Direct
- Robinets Gaz petit vrac
- Robinets à Volants REGO A7704, A7505, A7507, A7509, A7511, A713

- Pistolet de remplissage REGO A7708L.
- Vannes à boisseaux sphérique PN40.
- FAS Limiteur de débit S type A3400L6 ; A3500P4; A7537A; A3500V6; A4500Y8
- Clapet de reprise Liquide REGO type 7572FC ; 7580 FC; 7572C
- Soupapes REGO type NPT RS3136
Soupapes de sécurité gpl Relief Valve lpg REGO REGO type NPT RS3136 RS3129 3127 3126 - Check lock REGO 7572 / 7879/7580
- Collecteur REGO type 7534, 8570, 8560
- Double clapet de remplissage
- Soupapes de sécurité REGO 3129; 3133; 3130; 3135; 3149
- Multiports, Manifold et Collecteur de soupape GPL .
- Accessoires de compresseur Gaz / GPL FAS / CORKEN
- Vanne d’extraction de gaz et départ gaz
- Clapet d’emplissage

- Clapet porte soupape CD31/CD32/CD35/CD36/CD45 pour RS3131/RS3132/RS3135/RS3136/RS3145/ Pressure Relief Valves & Check Devices

- REGO filler service valves
- Clapet d’expansion thermique
- Pousse Clapets
- Raccords de carburation
- Clapet de securité à commande hydraulique type Whessoe VAREC 6139 , 6240et 6239 y compris centrale hydaulique,fusible de protection et porte fusible de 2″ à 14″.
- Clapet de fond WHESSOE 6239
- Électrovannes ATEX pour GPL.
- Jauge Rotative REGO
- Jauge magnétique ROCHESTER et FAS (Rochester liquid level gauge 6281 Junior, 6284 Junior, 6280 Senior, Magnetel )
- Jauges magnétique ROCHESTER
- Vannes de purge REGO
- Clapets anti-retour FAS, REGO
- Soupapes de bypass type corken. (B1666 ; T166)
- Thermomètre et manomètres
- Détendeur basse, moyenne et haute pression
- Limiteur de pression
- Raccords ACME , WECO,
- Borne de dépotage
- Clapets porte soupape REGO
- Bouchon de vidange (check-lock)
- Vannes de control et de sectionnement API 6D, ANSI , ASME B16.5, API 607 securité feux
- Vannes motorisé selon ASME B16.34 , ASME 609, avec actionneur pneumatique ou electrique certifié ATEX / ADF.
De plus FAS fournis des solutions clés en main de cuves et reservoirs de stockage GPL horizental type aérien ou souterrain avec les certificats ASME VIII division 1 , AD2000, CODAP, PED2014/68UE avec des capacités allant jusqu’à 300 m3 ( cigare GPL).
Nos produits sont exportés partout en Afrique telque la Tunisie, l’Algérie, le Maroc , le coté d’ivoire, le Nigeria, caméroun etc..